Mission Statement
We, the families of Religious Education, commit ourselves into a closer union with Jesus, who will lead us to the Father through the Holy Spirit, and therefore, become immersed in the Love of God. We do this by teaching/learning the Catholic faith and participating in the celebration of the Eucharist every Sunday and Holy Days. We are called to love and be examples of love to all people.
Family Catechesis
Family Catechesis is an opportunity for parents to fully participate in the religious formation of their children. The Catholic church states that parents are the primary catechists (teachers of faith) for their children. The church's role is to offer support to parents. Family Catechesis empowers parents to take on this role.
At St. John Vianney Church, our First Communion classes are offered via Family Catechesis which is a Religious Education program in which the parents are required to fully participate in the faith formation of their children by attending the classes with them.
At St. John Vianney Church, our First Communion classes are offered via Family Catechesis which is a Religious Education program in which the parents are required to fully participate in the faith formation of their children by attending the classes with them.
First Communion Year 1 In the first year, the children will learn about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Penance or Confession. Topics include the Ten Commandments, Examination of Conscience, Penance and Absolution, and Morality. Reconciliation will be celebrated during Lent. The children will learn the following prayers: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Act of Contrition.
First Communion Year 2 In the second year, the children will learn about the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Communion). They will learn about the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as well as how to receive. Topics include Baptismal Promises, the Penitential Rite, the Mass as Sacrifice, the Last Supper, The Communion Rite, and the Mission of the Church. The importance of attending weekly Sunday Mass becomes more evident at this time.
Before the First Eucharist liturgy, parents and children will attend a Parent/Child Eucharist Retreat. This retreat provides a day of prayer and reflection. Retreats are a great way to remove ourselves from the busyness of life and focus on our relationship with God and the Lord’s presence in our lives. With open hearts, parents and children will be spiritually prepared to receive the Lord in the Eucharist at the First Eucharist Liturgy. |
Requirements for First Communion Year 1
Prayers the Child Should Know:
Requirements for First Communion Year 2
- Minimum grade level is Second Grade
- Attend Mass on a weekly basis
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Attend the Parent & Child Eucharist Retreat
- Attend First Eucharist Rehearsal
- Attend First Eucharist Liturgy
- Boys wear dress pants: black, dark blue, gray or white.
- Long or short sleeved button-down, collared white shirts. Suit jackets and ties are appropriate but optional.
- Black or white shoes with socks.
High School Confirmation Requirements
- Please click below to visit the High School Confirmation webpage for more info.