Family Catechesis
Elementary Faith Formation/Family Catechesis
Preschool through 8th, Including First Communion. Family Catechesis is an opportunity for parents to fully participate in the religious formation of their children. The Catholic church states that parents are the primary catechists (teachers of faith) for their children. The church's role is to offer support to parents. Family Catechesis empowers parents to take on this role. First Communion (First Eucharist) For more information, please go to the First Communion page |
Family Catechesis is a Religious Education program in which parents fully participate in the faith formation of their children. Parents are the primary teachers of faith. For this reason, it is important to work together with parents in forming disciples.
Here is what the Bishops have to say: (exerpts from the General Directory of Catechesis and the National Directory of Catechesis)